Penerapan Model Discovery Learning berbantuan Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika kelas 3
Models and media also play a role in improving learning outcomes. The purpose of this
research is to improve student learning outcomes through the application of learning with the
Discovery learning model assisted by audio-visual media in the form of learning videos. The Discovery
learning model is learning that provides direct experience to students through practice or
experiments. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with the model from Kemmis
and Mc.Taggart where each cycle consists of (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and
(4) reflection. The research subjects were class III students at SDN Tanjung, with a total of 24 people.
Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews, observations and tests through LKPD, while
data analysis techniques used an interactive model consisting of data reduction, data presentation,
and verification (drawing conclusions). The research results obtained, the learning outcomes of
students in class III theme 7 sub-theme 2 in learning increased by using the Discovery Learning model
using audio-visual media as seen from the percentage of student learning outcomes, namely: The
percentage of completeness of student learning outcomes in the initial test was 25%, cycle I increased
to 62, 5%, and experienced an increase in cycle II, namely 87,5%. It can be concluded that discovery
learning and audiovisual media can increase the activity and learning outcomes of elementary school