Improving Students' Writing Ability Through Tea Party Technique Using English Son

  • Frida Alifah Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Tasrikha Ikawati SMA Negeri 8 Malang, Jl. Veteran No.37, Sumbersari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65145
  • Umi Tursini Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


Writing might be a complex skill for the students rather than other three skills because
there are many aspects that have to understand. Thus, to help students’ difficulty on writing, it
needs the effective and efficient technique in teaching and learning process. This study aims to
find out whether there is a significant improvement on students’ scores on writing ability
through Tea Party Technique using English song. The population of this research was the
eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Malang, and the sample was eleventh grade students of
Science 1. Classroom Action Research was used as a research design. The technique included of
planning, action, observing, and reflecting phases, and the research was applied in three cycles.
The result of this study shows that there is significant improvement of students’ writing skill. It
can be seen on students’ score in pre-test, middle test, and post-test. The average score of the
students grew by 4.27 between the pre-test and middle test, and by 15.24 between the middle
test and post-test. In short, the integration of the Tea Party Technique with English song can
enhance students' writing skills, especially in writing descriptive text.
