Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Peserta Didik Kelas IV di SDN Bareng 01 melalui Model Problem Based Learning
Indonesian plays an important role in efforts to improve the quality of basic education,
especially elementary schools (SD), because Indonesian is a means of thinking to foster logical,
systematic, and critical thinking. But in fact, students' understanding in learning Indonesian is still
relatively low. Where there are still many students who have learning achievements that are below
average. To overcome problems related to low student achievement, one of which is the implementation
of collaborative classroom action research (PTK) by applying modelsProblem Based Learning (PBL).
The subjects in this study were students in class IV A at SDN Bareng 1. This study aims to improve the
learning achievement of Indonesian language students in class IV through the application of theProblem
Based Learning at SDN Bareng 1. The results of the implementation of this study revealed that there
was an increase in students' Indonesian learning achievement when using the modelProblem Based
Learning 22.7% in cycle I and 18.2% in cycle II.