Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Matematika Materi Waktu Menggunakan Media Jam Pintar Siswa Kelas I SD
Teaching Mathematics without the use of concrete media can lead to difficulties for students
in understanding a concept. Therefore, the use of concrete media in the learning process is crucial for
students to easily grasp the concept. Additionally, the appropriate selection of concrete media plays an
important role. Selecting engaging and comprehensible concrete media can enhance student learning
outcomes. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in the topic of time. The research
employed a two-cycle classroom action research method. The research subjects consisted of 28
students from class IC. Data collection techniques included 1) Pre-test, 2) Observation, and 3)
Documentation. Data analysis was conducted using qualitative methods. The indicator of student
success is an 80% completion rate.The results of this study indicate that the use of the Jam Pintar
media can enhance student learning outcomes in class IC at SDN Percobaan 2, Malang. In the pre-cycle
phase, student learning outcomes reached 11%, which increased to 71% in cycle I and further
increased to 89% in cycle II.