The Use of Jigsaw Technique to Improve Reading Comprehension of Seventh Grade Students Based Digital Text Description
This study deals with the use of jigsaw technique in improving students’ reading
comprehension in the seventh grade of Junior High School Plosoklaten 1, Kediri 2022/2023.
Based on the results of initial observations, grade 7 students experienced difficulties in
learning English, especially their ability to read and understand the contents of short texts.
Students tend to be passive and less enthusiastic about participating in learning, because it
is less interesting and not varied. To overcome this problem, an innovative learning model
is needed that can attract students' attention to take part in learning actively and
enthusiastically. The learning model in question is Jigsaw. The jigsaw learning model is part
of an effort to improve the learning situation and process in the classroom. This learning
technique pays attention to several aspects including; the formation of discussion groups,
the determination of members in one group, the number of students who represent as expert
groups, and evaluation methods to assess the effectiveness of discussions and efforts to
improve students' reading skills. This study uses classroom action research consisting of
four stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. The research was carried
out in 1 cycle and consisted of 2 meetings. The research subject is student class 7B SMPN 1
Plosoklaten consisting of 36 students. The results of this study indicate that the application
of the Jigsaw learning model with digital text media can improve the ability to understand
the content of short English readings. In addition, students become more active and
enthusiastic in participating in class learning.