Kombinasi Model Problem Based Learning dan Media PANDA (Papan Data) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika SD
The research was conducted based on the low learning outcomes of fifth grade students who
achieved completeness of 59.25% with an average of 70.11, which was due to a lack of motivation to
learn, learning activities that did not yet show the problem-solving process, which was the background
for students to learn the material, as well as learning that did not utilize concrete media that can
involve students in learning to collect and present data. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) using PANDA
media (Data Board) is expected to increase student learning outcomes. This research is classroom
action research by implementing 3 cycles according to the Kemmis and Taggart spiral model, which
consists of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting stages. Data obtained from interviews,
observations, tests, and documentation Data analysis was performed through qualitative and
quantitative methods. The research is said to be successful if the percentage of learning
implementation, the average KKB achievement, and the percentage of classical achievement reach 80.
The results showed that the percentage of learning implementation in cycle I was 85.65%, cycle II was
93.75%, and cycle III was 94.31%. The average achievement of KKB cycle I reached 70.73, cycle II
reached 79.25, and cycle III reached 84.25. The percentage of classical achievement in cycle I was
59.25%, cycle II was 70.37, and cycle III was 81.48%. From these results, it can be concluded that the
combination of PBL models and PANDA media can improve mathematics learning outcomes in the
collection and presentation of data for 5th grade elementary school.