Enhancing Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Jigsaw Model (A Classroom Action Research at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 6 Malang)
The lack of reading skills amongs Indonesian students still become the main concern in this
modern era. Meanwhile in learning English, students at least should be able to read and get the idea of
the an kind of text they will read. It is corresponding with how the activities in the English class should
support the students reading comprehension in purpose to gain their skill in learning English too.
Hence, this research objective is to prove the effectiveness of jigsaw model in enhancing students’
reading comprehension. The research participants were the students of X-3 located in SMAN 6
Malang. The method used in this study was classroom action research (CAR) supported by pre and
post-test question along with the observation during the process of teaching and learning. The results
of this research showed that the use of jigsaw model learning is effective to improve and enhance
students’ reading comprehension by seeing the score of the test. The jigsaw model also made the
students more enganged each other in discussing the material and the learned topic in the classroom.
Students were more excited and enthusiast to discussed with their friend and it made them easier to
understand the context of the text completely by teamwork.