Alternatif Pembelajaran Fisika Materi Rambatan Kalor untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Numerasi Siswa SMA

  • Mujtahidatul Ilmi Fajriyah Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


The learning deficit due to Covid-19 become visible when learning returned to offline
learning. The differences in the abilities of students affected by the pandemic are teachers’ tasks to
guide students back to the correct concept. No exception in learning physics, the low numeracy
literacy of students is the cause of students' difficulties in learning physics. In this case, students have
difficulty connecting physics concepts to mathematical solutions. Hence the researcher tries to design
learning alternatives to improve students' numeracy literacy skills on heat transfer material in class X.
This research is a class action research carried out by adapting the Stringer model which contains the
stages of plan, implement, and evaluate in each look cycle. , think, and act. The results of this study
were that the students' learning completeness was 61% in cycle 1 and 69% in cycle 2 with numeracy
literacy competence students are in the proficient category of 60%, the proficient category is 23%, the
basic category is 14%, and the category requiring special intervention is 3%.
