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Thematic learning is a learning program that is composed of one particular theme or topic
and then reviewed from various perspectives of the subject matter commonly used in learning at
school. The success of implementing thematic learning can be reviewed using reports on student
learning outcomes, where in these reports information can be obtained on improving student learning
outcomes. Based on these descriptions, this study aims to improve thematic learning outcomes by
using picture story in grade 2 elementary school students. This type of research was classroom action
research conducted in two cycles, with a research design using the Discovery Learning model with 26
grade 2 students as research subjects. The data collection techniques used were (1) pretest, (2)
observation, and (3) documentation. Data analysis techniques used qualitative methods with
indicators of success using the class average of 75 and the percentage of completeness reaching 80%.
Based on the research, student learning outcomes in the pre-cycle the students who complete 12
students, students who do not complete 14 with a percentage of classical completeness 46%. In the
first cycle using picture story the percentage of student learning outcomes obtained 64%, in the
second cycle the percentage of student completeness 80%.