Penerapan Model Project Based Learning Berbantuan Media Komik Digital Untuk Meningkatkan Kreatifitas Siswa Kelas IV di SDN Sukomoro Kediri

  • Priska Auliawati Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Sriatun Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


This research is motivated by the low creativity of students in thematic subjects. Based on the
results of observations made to 27 students, there were 9 students belonging to the good category in
terms of creativity. The purpose of this study was to describe the application of the Project Based
Learning model assisted by digital comic media to increase the creativity of fourth grade students at
SDN Sukomoro on thematic subjects theme 8. This research is a type of classroom action research (PTK)
with the model developed by Kemmis and Mc . Taggart. This research consisted of two cycles where
there were two meetings for each cycle. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and
reflection stages. Sources of data were obtained from teachers and students through observation,
interviews and document review. Data analysis techniques using quantitative and qualitative
descriptive analysis. The results showed an increase in student creativity which was shown in the precycle 33.33%, increased in cycle I to 68.18% and in cycle II increased to 81.48%. So it can be concluded
that classroom action research with the Project Based Learning model assisted by digital comic media
can be said to be successfully applied to increase the creativity of fourth grade students at SDN
Sukomoro in theme 8 thematic subjects.
