Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Keliling Bangun Datar Melalui Media Geoboard di Kelas IV A SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang

  • Habibah Ria Ansori Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Triwahyudianto Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Aulina Maghfiroh Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


Pre-cycle results in class IV A SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang City showed low mathematics learning
outcomes obtained by an average class of 57.98 with a percentage of 51.85%. Based on these problems,
research was carried out using Classroom Action Research (CAR) aimed at increasing learning
outcomes around flat shapes through geoboard media in class IV A SDN Bandungjerejosari 3 Malang
City. The research subjects totaled 27 students. Each cycle is held 2 meetings. Data collection techniques
using test questions, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative
and descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the use of geoboard media on the material around
a flat shape can improve learning outcomes. This is indicated by the class average in cycle I, namely
73.15 with a completeness percentage of 70.37%, an increase of 14.82% in cycle II, an average score of
78.33 was obtained with a completeness percentage of 85.19%. In addition, from the results of observing
the activities of students using geoboard media it is very helpful in implementing learning and the
atmosphere is more enjoyable. This was shown by the activity of students in cycle I reaching a
percentage of 72.57% and cycle II reaching 80.57% in the good category. Thus a recommendation can
be put forward that learning Mathematics with geoboard media can improve the results of learning
around flat shapes in class IV A students at SDN Bandungrejosari 3 Malang City.
