Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V UPT SD Negeri Balerejo 01 melalui Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL)

  • Sanidatul ‘Asiroh Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Supatmi UPT SD Negeri Balerejo 01


This research was conducted due to the low level of students' motivation in the subject of Mathematics.
This is attributed to the teachers not utilizing teaching models that can motivate and engage students. The
teaching method used at that time was mainly individual-based, with explanations given on the
blackboard. The aim of this research was to describe the use of Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a
teaching model to enhance students' motivation in the subject of Mathematics, specifically focusing on
data presentation. This study employed a classroom action research (CAR) approach, consisting of three
cycles, with each cycle comprising two sessions. The research subjects were fifth-grade students at UPT
SD Negeri Balerejo 01, Wlingi District, in the academic year 2022/2023, totaling 19 students. Data
collection techniques employed in this research included observation, questionnaires, documentation,
and tests. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that students' motivation in the first cycle
reached 52.63% with a high criteria. Subsequently, there was an improvement to 68.42% in the second
cycle, still with a high criteria, and further increased to 78.95% in the third cycle, categorized as very high.
Therefore, it can be inferred that the utilization of Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a teaching model can
enhance students' motivation in the subject of Mathematics, particularly in the fifth-grade class at UPT SD
Negeri Balerejo 01, Wlingi District
