Model Project Bassed Learning (PjBL) Guna Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik
Education is one of the initiatives to improve the quality of human resources. Based on observations
carried out, it is known that there are still students who obtain learning results under the KKM and look
less enthusiastic in learning. How to improve the implementation of learning activities is by selecting
the correct model and media plajaran. The model used in this study is Project Based Learning. (PjBL).
In addition to learning models, the thing to pay attention to in learning is learning motivation.
Motivation is the impulse that exists in someone to do something in order to certain goal. The correct
application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model steps by teachers in learning will have a positive
impact on the learning motivation of students in learning. In the first cycle, the motivation score of the
students reached 65.9 with a predicate less, then increased in the second cycle to 71.4 with a sufficient
category. In the third cycle, the motivation score of the students increased by 77.2. In the fourth cycle,
the motivation score of the students reached 81.9 with good categories. In the last cycle, the motivation
score of the students rose to 85.1 with a good category.