Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperative tipeTGT (Team Games Tournament) pada Mata Pelajaran IPAS Materi Gaya untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV SDN Karangbesuki 2 Kota Malang
Abstract: This study aims to determine the difference between the application of the Team Games Tournament (TGT) cooperative learning model and direct instruction, as seen from students' learning outcomes in cognitive skills in the Science subject for fourth-grade students. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. The subjects of this research were fourth-grade students at SDN Karangbesuki 2, Kota Malang. The results showed 20.60% student mastery, then the results in the first cycle showed 62.06% of students who passed. In the second cycle, it showed that 82.75% of students passed. These results indicate that the Team Games Tournament (TGT) learning model can improve students' learning outcomes in the Science subject for fourth-grade students at SDN Karangbesuki 2, Kota Malang. This study used a pretest-posttest design and also used a group learning method. The sampling technique used a random sample. The instruments used were pretest questions, posttest questions, and observation sheets.