Penerapan Media Gurita Pancasila untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Siswa Menentukan Pengamalan Pancasila pada Materi Mengamalkan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila di Kelas VI

  • Indri Wahyu Kristianti Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Choirul Huda Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Devia Fitra Ahyari Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: elementary education, pancasila education, pancasila octopus media


Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the Gurita Pancasila media in improving the ability of 6th-grade students at SD Negeri Pandanwangi 4 Malang to apply Pancasila values. The research employed Classroom Action Research (CAR) with 29 participants. Descriptive analysis was conducted based on pre-test and post-test results to assess the effectiveness of the Gurita Pancasila media. The pre-test results revealed that only 33.33% of students passed, indicating the previous methods (PowerPoint and printed books) were less effective. Following the introduction of the Gurita Pancasila media, post-test results showed a significant improvement, with 67.86% passing after the first session and 77.78% after the second session. This improvement suggests that interactive media and repeated learning experiences enhance student understanding, in line with constructivist and behaviorist theories. The Gurita Pancasila media proved effective in engaging students actively and deepening their comprehension.
