Penerapan Medpar Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Berbantuan Model Discovery Learning Pada Kelas 4 SD
Abstract: This class action study (PTK) is done to analyze the application of MEDPAR (a multiplication board) to enhance the results of math study in 4th grade with educational learning models. The study involved 21 class 4b learners at SDN polehan 2 unfortunate cities as participants during two cycles of action. The research method used is the class action study with a quantitative approach. The data collection done on this PTK matches initial diagnostic tests and final tests. The multiboard media are integrated during the learning process to facilitate learners in understanding the multiplication concept. Research indicates that there has been a significant increase in the application of MEDPAR and the discover learning model on the fourth grade multiplication materials. The use of MEDPAR and model discovery learning can be one of the effective strategies for improving understanding and the results of studying mathematics. This study recommends using interactive media when learning can create interesting and meaningful learning experiences for learners.