Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Papan Jurang “Penjumlahan Dan Pengurangan†Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Menghitung Penjumlahan Dan Pengurangan Kelas III SDN Ciptomulyo 3 Kota Malang
Abstract: Observation rersults at SDN Ciptomulyo 3 Malang City show low sturdent lerarning outcomers in Mathermatics surbjects which are caurerd by sturdents' lack of attention to learning and teachers have not found Mathermatics learning concepts that suit the characteristics of class III sturdents so that learning becomes monotonous. Ther aim of this reserarch is to dertrrmine ther application of ther JURANG Board learning media to the mathermatics lerarning outcomes of addition and subtraction. The method ursed is classroom action rerserarch (PTK). The objects in this reserarch were class III sturdents, totaling 28 sturdents. Data collection was carrierd out using observation and test querstions. The resurlts of the reserarch after implemernting the JURANG Board learning media showed that sturdent learning ourtcomes increrased each cycle. In the first cycle, sturdent learning outcomes in Mathermatics reacherd 39%. Meanwhile in cycle II it reached 85%. So it can be conclurded that bertweern cycle I and cycle II there was an increrase of 46%.