Penerapan Model Cooperative Learning STAD dengan Media REMBO untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Membaca Peserta Didik Kelas 1 SDN Tanjungrejo 1

  • Abdila Ayu Hanna Mulya Hanum Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: REMBO Media, Implementation of the STAD cooperative learning model, learning outcomes, read the syllables around


Abstract: This study aims to improve the results of syllables around students, by implementing the cooperative’s learning model from STAD and learning media REMBO (reading mission board). In this research process it is carried out in several cycles, namely pre-cycle, the first cycle, and the second cycle. This research uses approaches from Kemmis & Mc Taggart. The percentage of student learning completeness increases by 46,42 % with an average of 82, 62,28 % with an average of 90, and 82,14 % with an average of 95. This study uses test data collection techniques and observations.
