Penerapan Media Laci Hitung dalam Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan pada Peserta Didik Kelas 1 SDN Bakalan Krajan 2
Abstract: In the ongoing learning process, researchers realized that there were problems with active learning for class 1 students in adding and subtracting material. Researchers try to make improvements through classroom research actions. The aim of this researcher is to apply counting drawer media to increase the activeness of learning addition and subtraction in class 1 students at SDN Bakalan Krajan 2. Here the researcher uses a classroom action research method which is carried out in four stages, namely Planning, Acting, Observation.), and Reflection using qualitative descriptive analysis. The research subjects were class 1 students with a total of 28 students. The results of this classroom action research show that using counting drawer media can increase students' active learning. This can be seen in the pre-cycle which looks active at only 17.85%, by applying the counting drawer media in cycle Ⅰ it increases to 39.28%. Then in cycle ⅠⅠ improvements were made to the counting drawer media, which made student activity increase significantly, namely 85.71%. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the application of counting drawer media can increase the activeness of learning addition and subtraction in class 1 students at SDN Bakalan Krajan 2.