Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika Melalui Implementasi Model NHT Berbantuan Media Dadu Untuk Siswa Kelas 4 SDN Kebonsari 2 Kota Malang
Abstract: Based on the results of observations on grade 4 students at SDN Kebonsari 2 Malang City, it can be seen that students' mathematics learning outcomes are still low. In order to overcome this problem, it is necessary to implement the NHT model assisted by dice media. This research aims to describe the implementation of the NHT model assisted by dice media to improve mathematics learning outcomes, especially in class 4 data presentation material. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. This type of research is classroom action research with a cyclical design with stages of planning, action, observation and reflection. The results of this research show changes and increases in learning completeness in group assignments in cycle 1 reaching 43%, increasing in cycle 2 to 88%. Meanwhile, learning completeness in individual assignments in cycle 1 reached 46%, increasing in cycle 2 to 92%. Based on this, teachers should use the NHT learning model assisted by dice media to improve mathematics learning outcomes, especially data presentation material.