Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Pidato Menggunakan Pendekatan TaRL Dengan Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning

  • Muhammad Irfan Afandi Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Hena Dian Ayu Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: TaRL, Writing, Speach, Discovery Learning


Abstract: In the current era, language skills, namely speaking, reading, writing and listening, are one of the keys to being able to compete in the world of work and outside it. Writing is an important aspect of language. From the results of the researcher's observations in the learning process, it shows that many elementary school students, especially class V, one of the elementary schools in Malang, still experience difficulties in expressing opinions, expressing, writing their thoughts or ideas, and composing simple speech texts. From the results of research on efforts to improve speech writing skills using the TaRL approach, it can be concluded that there has been an increase in students' speech writing skills as seen from the results of cycle 1 and cycle 2. The increase occurred in obtaining an average content/idea score of 74.55, both Writing organizations 71.73, third use of effective sentences 68, fourth use of spelling 79.22, fifth use of punctuation 75, last number of words 70, with a classical completeness percentage of 68% (15 students). The content/idea is 82.55, the second is writing organization 83.64, the third is the use of effective sentences 77, the fourth is the use of spelling 88.18, the fifth is the use of punctuation 85.46, the last is the number of words 82.73, with a classical completion percentage of 86% ( 19 students) or an increase of 18% from cycle 1. Thus, classroom action research in an effort to improve speech writing skills using the TaRL approach was declared successful
