Penerapan Model Discovery Learning dengan Pendekatan TaRL untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Peserta Didik SD Negeri
Abstract: The study was carried out because the author found that the pupils were only active in the first 15 minutes. The rest were bored, so the study was conducted to analyze the increased learning motivation and learning outcomes of pupils in the Indonesian language subjects through the application of the Teaching at The Right Level Learning Model to the method of giving group tasks in the second grade of State City Malang SD in the full semester of the 2023/2024 school year. The study was conducted using the method of class action research consisting of two cycles, each consisting of one meeting and one evaluation of four stages: planning, action, reflection, and evaluation conducted from early February to early March. Data is 5fv yhikn/.processed on each cycle and then a percentage analysis. Where motivation and learning outcomes (>KKM) in cycle 1 predicted very well 22% and in cycle 2 increased to 39% in the good category whereas, for the learning outcome in the activity of cycle 1, the student output reached 67% with an average of 69 there was an increase in the second cycle to 83% with the average output of 81. Then this study was concluded to be successful.