Penerapan Model Project Based Learning (PjBL) berbantuan Media PAKAPINDO (Papan Kantong Pintar Doraemon) Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Peserta didik Kelas III SDN Tertek I
Based on the analysis of the observation results in the third grade students at SDN Tertek I Pare
on thematic learning has not been maximized because it has limited learning resources that caused
students tend to be passive. From that research it can be drawn the conclusion that students need an
interesting learning model with concrete media such as two-dimentional visual media. This study aims
to find out the effectiveness of using project based learning as a learning model that can be applied to
all levels education and teacher such as a facilitator. PAKAPINDO is a smart doraemon bag board that
made of flanel fabric and attached to a triplex or carton and can be filled with stick containing learning
materials. Learning motivation is one of the most influential factors for students’ success. The type of
research used in this research is classroom action research (CAR) using observation sheet instruments
and interview questions list. The purpose of classrom action research is to improve the implementation
of the learning process in education, especially classroom learning and student learning outcomes.
Based on the results of the reseach, this study can be concluded that has been an increase learning
motivation while in the first cycle of learning the percentage value is 46,2% in the less category, while
in the second cycle of learning the percentage value is 85% in good category. Based on the learning
outcomes, it can be said that the use of project based learning helped by PAKAPINDO effectively applied
and can improve students learning motivation to study the thematic learning in the third grade students
of SDN Tertek I Pare.