Peningkatan Kreativitas Peserta Didik Kelas 4 Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning dalam Pembuatan Media IPAS Berbentuk Pop Up Book
This research is based on observations made on the learning process which found that the
creativity aspect in science learning in grade 4 has not been seen. This research is a Classroom Action
Research which aims to describe the increase in students' creativity using the problem-based learning
model in the creation of pop-up book IPAs media. The method used is qualitative and quantitative in
which the data obtained is in the form of percentages to be described later. The results of this study
indicate an increase in student creativity in terms of the activities and products produced. The overall
average for each aspect of creativity in terms of activity at pre-cycle 55% increased from cycle I 69% to
cycleII 86%. The overall average for each aspect in terms of product at pre-cycle 57% increased from
cycle I 70% to cycle II 83%. It can be concluded that there has been an increase in the creativity of
students in making science fiction media in the form of pop up books using the problem based learning