Strategi Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa
Less optimal student learning outcomes in the water cycle material because teachers have not
been able to accommodate different student learning needs, such as learning readiness, interests, and
student learning styles. The purpose of this research is to find out the increase in grade 5 students'
learning outcomes on the water cycle theme 8 (Our Friend's Environment) through the application of
a differentiated learning strategy. This research uses a type of classroom action research (PTK) which
consists of the stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection adopted from Kemmis & Taggart
(1998). This research was carried out at SDN Sukorejo 2, Kediri Regency with research subjects in
grade 5 as many as 33 students. The results of this study were that in pre-cycle learning there were 11
(33.33%) students who completed, and 22 (66.66%) students who did not complete with an average
score of 67.81. Then in cycle I there was an increase of 19 (57.57%) students who completed, and 14
(42.42%) students who did not complete with an average score of 77.12. Furthermore, in cycle II,
students who complete their learning outcomes have reached 100% with an average score of 87.9.
This study shows that the application of a differentiated learning strategy can improve the learning
outcomes of grade 5 students in the water cycle theme 8 (Our Friendly Environment).