Penggunaan Media Gambar Seri Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menceritakan Kembali Dongeng Di Kelas 2 SD
This research aims to improve storytelling skills using picture series media on fable story
material for the second graders students of SD Negeri Tertek 1. This research is a Classroom Action
Research (PTK). This research uses the Kemmis and Mc. Taggart models. This research was carried out
in 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of 2 meetings. The data collection method used is a storytelling test.
The results obtained from this research indicate that serial picture media is effective in improving
students' storytelling skills on fables. In the pre-cycle the average value of storytelling skills was 49.9,
there was an increase in cycle 1 meeting 1 which was 63.3 and in cycle 1 meeting 2 which was 70.9.
The increase also occurred in cycle 2 meeting 1, it is 75.1 and meeting 2, it is 78.8. The percentage of
students who had reached the Minimum Mastery Criteria skill of storytelling also experienced an
increase in pre-cycle, it is 27.8%, an increase in cycle 1 meeting 1, it is 50% and meeting 2, it is 55.5%.
The increase in the percentage of students who achieved Minimum Mastery Criteria also increased in
cycle 2 meetings 1 and 2 by 72.2% and 83.3%.