Penggunaan Media “Fruit Basket†untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas I Sekolah Dasar
This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of IB class students at SDN Percobaan 2
Malang in the mathematics subject matter of addition and subtraction. This type of research is
Classroom Action Research conducted in two cycles. The research design used the Discovery Learning
model with 28 students in IB class as the research subjects. Data collection techniques using 1)
diagnostic assessment, 2) observation and 3) documentation. Data analysis techniques using
quantitative and qualitative methods. Criteria for Achievement of Learning Objectives (KKTP)
mathematics is 71 and 80% completeness. The results showed that learning mathematics using the
media "Fruit Basket" can improve understanding and learning outcomes of IB class students at SDN
Percobaan 2 Malang. The learning outcomes in the pre-cycle were as many as 7 (25%) students who
completed, while 21 (75%) students did not complete. In cycle I using the media "Fruit Basket" the
learning outcomes of students decreased to 11% or only 3 students who completed. In cycle II, student
learning outcomes rose to 88.9% or as many as 24 students completed.