Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Peserta Didik SD dengan Media Gambar Berseri
Speaking skills are important for students because speaking is one of the basic communication
skills needed in everyday life. Students who lack speaking skills will have difficulty conveying their
thoughts, opinions or emotions clearly and effectively to others. This research is a Collaborative
Classroom Action Research. The data collected is a test of speaking skills before and after learning by
using serial picture media. Data were analyzed by calculating the scores obtained by students. Next, the
gain value is calculated to determine the increase in students' speaking skills. There was an increase in
the speaking skills of students in class IV-B at Kasin State Elementary School, Malang City for the
2022/2023 school year by using serial picture media. The improvement in speaking skills of students in
class IV-B at SD Negeri Kasin Malang City was shown by an N-Gain score of 0.24 with low criteria in
Cycle I and an N-Gain score in Cycle II of 0.32 with moderate criteria.