Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Pancasila Melalui Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dengan Metode Role Playing Pada Peserta Didik Kelas I Sekolah Dasar
Based on the results of initial observations made on grade I
st UPT SDN Gandekan 02 students,
problems were found related to low student learning outcomes. This is caused by the use of the lecture
method only during learning. In addition, learning does not involve students to be active, this causes
students to become less motivated to take part in learning. From these problems, problem based
learning (PBL) was applied with the role playing method in Pancasila Education subjects to improve
student learning outcomes. The application of PBL with the role playing method leads students into fun
learning, involves students being active and has an impact on improving student learning outcomes. The
method used for this research is PTK. This study consisted of two cycles with a specified target of 85%.
The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes, in the first cycle the percentage was
63.63%, and 90.90% in the second cycle. So, the application of PBL with the role playing method can
improve student learning outcomes