Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Melalui Media Pembelajaran “Kotak Beranak†pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Pokok Bahasan Balok dan Kubus pada Siswa Kelas IVB SDN Bandungrejosari 1 Kota Malang Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023
This study departs from the problems, namely (1) learning is dominated by the teacher so that
students feel bored quickly and quickly lose concentration, (2) the media is less interesting. The purpose
of this classroom action research is the benefits of using child-bearing media to improve the learning
outcomes of fourth grade students in the Mathematics subject of blocks and cubes. This study used a
qualitative approach with a class action research design (CAR) conducted in two cycles. Data collection
was carried out by conduction cognitive diagnostic tests to determine the level of understanding of
students and non-cognitive diagnostic tests to determine student learning styles. The results of the study
showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes by using children’s media boxes in mathematics
subjects with blocks and cubes material. The percentage of the target achievement of knowledge is 72%,
attitude is 84%, and skills with mutual cooperation indicators have increased, namely 6% from cycle I
to 86%. Indicators of the ability to ask and answer questions have increased, namely 4% from the first
cycle of 86%. The indicator is also the ability to respect the opinions of others, namely 8% of the first
cycle 88%.