Peningkatan Kemampuan Membuat Puisi Menggunakan Teknik Olah Rasa dengan Musikalisasi Puisi pada Siswa Kelas X-J SMAN 2 Malang
Abstract: This Research was conducted to measure and improve the ability to create poems and read poems using the technique of "Emotional Processing" with musicalization in Grade 10-J students at SMAN 2 Malang. The technique of "Emotional Processing" with musicalization proved to be effective in improving students' skills in evaluating and appreciating positive values for the poems they created. This is evidenced by the increase in the scores of the poetry writing and reading ability test of the students, which is reflected in the videos they made. The improvement in this research can be seen from the pre-test and post-test scores of the students. In cycle 1, the data showed that the students did not experience improvement, while after cycle 2 there was an increase of 34% in the students' ability to create and read poems. Overall, this research shows that the technique of "Emotional Processing" with musicalization is an effective strategy to improve students' ability to write and read poetry, as well as to cultivate appreciation for positive values.