Penerapan Model Discovery Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Berhitung Menggunakan Media Pakades Pada Materi Bilangan Desimal Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri Kebonsari IV Kota Malang

  • Sindy Galuh Larasaty Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Lulus Arifaida Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Siti Halimatus Sakdiyah Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: Discovery Learning, Decimal Number Board Media, Learning Outcomes


Abstract: This research was motivated by students' low interest in calculating and solving problems in Mathematics lessons. The learning model used tends to be monotonous and does not utilize learning media to support the teaching and learning process. This fact is supported by Mathematics learning results which are still below the minimum completeness level (KKM), as well as findings from interviews and observations. The research aims to assess the increase in student learning achievement through the application of the Discovery Learning learning model with the support of decimal number board media, namely Decimal Number material in class IV at SDN Kebonsari 4 Malang. The research used the Classroom Action Research method which was carried out in two cycles involving 28 class IV students as research subjects. Data collection techniques include tests, observation and documentation. The results of the pre-cycle stage, the completion level was 27%, the average value was 53. In cycle I, there was an increase to 79%, the average value was 75. In cycle II, there was a further increase with a completion level of 90% and the average value the average reached 82. In the skills aspect, the level of completion in cycle I was 82% and increased to 90% in cycle II. It can be concluded that the implementation of the Discovery Learning Model with the support of Pakades media has succeeded in increasing students' interest in learning in class IV at SDN Ckebonsari 4 Malang.
