Penerapan Media Kantong Perkalian Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Materi Perkalian Bilangan Cacah Kelas 3 SDN Polehan 3 Malang
Abstract: Learning mathematics, especially the concept of multiplication, is often a challenge for students. This research aims to improve the learning outcomes of grade 3 students at SDN Polehan 3 Malang on the material of multiplication of whole numbers using multiplication bag media. Through classroom action research, it was found that the use of multiplication bag media was able to increase the average student score at the beginning of cycle I by 74.81%, which then increased in cycle II to 94.61%, with an increase percentage of 19.8%. Apart from that, observations show an increase in students' motivation and learning activities. The results of this research indicate that multiplication bag media can be an effective alternative in learning whole number multiplication, especially for students who have difficulty understanding abstract concepts.