Penerapan Metode Diskusi Kelompok untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas VIII SMPN 1 Wagir, Kabupaten Malang

  • Agung Pamuji Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: Group Discussion, Cognitive, Indonesian Language


Abstract: This research aims to discuss the impact of applying the group discussion method in relation to the development of students' abilities. This research was carried out with VIII A students of SMPN 1 Wagir as research subjects. Researchers pay attention to the impacts that occur in connection with the application of the group discussion method. As a result, the group discussion method became very effective in its efforts to increase students' understanding. This increased understanding has an impact on improving student learning outcomes.
