Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Budaya Jawa Dengan Perspektif Good Character Di Kelas 4B SDN Kotalama 5 Malang
Abstract: The implementation of character-based learning is not merely about teaching right and wrong; it involves the process of habituating behaviors based on values of virtue, enabling students to understand, feel, and be motivated to behave well. This study aims to describe the implementation of character values based on Javanese culture at SDN Kotalama 5 Malang. The implementation of Javanese culture-based character education is carried out from a good character perspective using a tiered method (unggah-unggah), emphasizing discipline and character themes, making it easier for students to absorb. The research method used is qualitative research, specifically classroom action research, validated through source triangulation. In addition to interviews, data collection also employs observation and documentation. The results of this study comprise a series of activities by students and efforts by the school aimed at character building through daily habituation. This aims to support the East Java regional government's program in shaping student character based on culture, in accordance with the Indonesian National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 and East Java Governor Regulation No. 11 of 2017. The character values implemented include religious beliefs and culture, noble character, and the values of mutual cooperation, which are derived from and aligned with Pancasila, Javanese culture, and the local community's wisdom.