Penerapan Model Discovery learning Berbantuan Media Food chain board Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Pada Materi Rantai Makanan Kelas V SDN Mulyorejo 3 Kota Malang

  • Qorita Nanda Widianti Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Sri Rahayu Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Nuril Qurroti A'yun Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: Discovery learning, Food chain board Media, Kognitif Learning outcomes


Abstract: This study aimed to improve the cognitive learning outcomes of fifth-grade students in the food chain topic through the application of Discovery learning and the use of a Food chain board. This classroom action research was conducted at SDN Mulyorejo 3, Malang, involving 28 students. The results showed a significant increase in students' achievement after the implementation of the learning model. In cycle I, the percentage of students who met the minimum competency criteria increased to 54%, and in cycle II, it further increased to 89%. This indicates that the Discovery learning model with the Food chain board is effective in enhancing students' understanding of the food chain concept.
