Penerapan Model pembelajaran Jigsaw menggunakan Pendekatan TaRL (Teaching at The Right Level) berbantuan LKPD Online Wordwall untuk meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Pembagian Pecahan Kelas VI SDN Jatimulyo 5 Malang
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to enhance the sixth-grade arithmetic learning outcomes of SD Jatimulyo 5 Malang pupils in the area of fraction division. The Jigsaw model was used by the researcher in conjunction with a Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) strategy and online Wordwall learning activities in order to handle the diversity of students' ability levels. This model was created to take into account the various academic levels of the pupils. Following the use of this paradigm, the findings indicated a noteworthy improvement in the learning outcomes of the pupils. In two cycles, the average student score rose from 56 to 82. This achievement suggests that the Jigsaw model, the TaRL approach, and online Wordwall learning activities work well together to raise students' willingness to learn and their mental grasp of fraction division. The strength of this model lies in its ability to accommodate the different achievement levels of students through the TaRL approach. Each student can learn according to their abilities, so that no student feels left behind or finds the material too easy. The online Wordwall learning activities also provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience for students. This study concludes that the implementation of the Jigsaw model with a TaRL approach supported by online Wordwall learning activities is an effective strategy to improve students' mathematics learning outcomes, especially in the division of fractions. This model can be a good alternative for teachers to address challenges in mathematics learning and accommodate the diverse learning needs of students.