Penerapan Media Pembelajaran "PASTICK†( Papan Stick Aktif ) Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas 5B SDN Arjowinangun 2 Malang
Abstract: This research aims to increase student activity in the Indonesian language learning process at SDN Arjowinangun 2 Malang City which is caused by low enthusiasm, interaction, cooperation, activities and student involvement in learning. This research aims to increase activity in the learning process of class 5B students at SDN Arjowinangun 2 Malang City through the application of PASTICK media. The data collection technique uses a type of classroom action research with observation, documentation and questionnaire techniques carried out in the classroom. The research subjects were 28 students in class 5B at SDN Arjowinangun 2, Malang City. The results of the research showed that there was a significant increase in activity in the learning process with the acquisition of activity data during the pre-cycle, namely from 28 students there were 12 students showing activity with a percentage of 42.15% increasing to 70.35% with a total of 22 students in cycle I. And it increased again to 72.67% with 25 students in cycle II. The increase in student activity occurred because students had understood the concept of learning Indonesian through PASTICK media, so that students were more enthusiastic in participating in the learning process.