Penerapan Media Permainan Papan Go Hunting pada Kelas 4 SDN Karangbesuki 1 untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran IPAS

  • Mahela Usfia Kurniasari Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: Learning Outcome, IPAS, Game Media


Abstract: This research aims to improve the students’ learning outcomes in Science and Social subject (IPAS) using “Go Hunting Board†game. The type of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) that carried out in 2 cycles with 3 stages: 1) action planning, 2) action implementation and observation, 3) reflection. The results of the research show that the students’ learning outcome at pre-cycle stage are proven by a completion percentage of 45 %. The completion percentage of students’ learning outcome increased to 69% at cycle I. Cycle II calculated the percentage of completeness of students’ outcome to 86%. It can be concluded that the use of “Go Hunting Board†media could improve the students’ learning outcomes of grade 4  in Science and Social subject at SDN Karangbesuki 1 Malang.
