Penerapan Model PjBL Berbantuan Media Diorama untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep pada Materi Siklus Mahkluk Hidup Siswa Kelas III

  • Alfinatus Sholikhah Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Choirul Huda Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Devia Fitra Ahyari Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: Project Based Learning, diorama media, understanding of concepts


Abstract: This research was conducted because of the low learning outcomes of IPAS and the lack of understanding of the concept of third grade students on the subject of IPAS on the material of the cycle of living thing. This research aims to improve concept understanding on the material of the cycle of living thing through the application of the PjBL learning model assisted by diorama media. The type of research used is classroom action research which is carried out in two cycles, where each cycle consists of stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection methods in this study were observation and concept understanding tests using quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the research in the pre-cycle were shown by the percentage of classical completeness of 8% with very poor criteria, cycle I 56% with a sufficient percentage, and cycle II 80% with good criteria. From the results of the study it was concluded that the Project Based Learning model assisted by diorama media can improve learning outcomes and understanding of the concepts the students on the material of the cycle of living things.
