Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Menggunakan Model Dicovery Learning Dengan Media Balon Peraga Pernafasan Pada Mata Pelajaran Ipas Kelas V SDN Bandulan 1 Kota Malang
Abstract: This research is intended to improve student learning outcomes using the discovery learning model in class V material on the human respiratory organ system at SDN Bandulan 1 Malang City, consisting of 29 students. Classroom action research was carried out in 2 cycles, and the data collection tools used observation sheets and essay test questions for each cycle at the end of the lesson. From the results of the research conducted, there was an increase in student results from cycle I to cycle II, namely in cycle I the average score was 73, while in cycle II student learning outcomes increased with an average score of 85. This research shows that the discovery learning model is Using breathing demonstration balloons as a learning medium can help students improve learning outcomes.