Penerapan Media UTAMA “Ular Tangga Matematika†Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar
Abstract: This ponder points to decide the application of the most media of numerical snakes and steps in making strides arithmetic learning results in Lesson IV understudies. The investigate utilized is Classroom Activity (PTK) investigate which points to progress arithmetic learning results. The subject of this consider is Course IV understudies at SDN Gadang 2 Malang City with a add up to of 19 understudies. The information examination utilized in this inquire about is quantitative and subjective by carrying out methods such as tests, documentation, and perceptions. This inquire about was carried out in 3 stages, to be specific Pre-Cycle (58%), Cycle 1 (74%) and Cycle 2 (85%) with an increment in learning rate comes about. Thus, the application of the most media of the scientific stepping stool wind to progress the learning of arithmetic in review IV at SDN Gadang 2 Malang City appears a great thought. There's a critical increment in learning results so that this think about is considered to have accomplished great comes about.