Media Pembelajaran Papan Perubahan Wujud Benda ( PARUWDA ) Pada IPAS Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik
Abstract : This research was motivated by the problem of low student learning outcomes in class IV science and science subjects at SDN Bandulan 4. The aim of this research was to improve student learning outcomes by using the Changing Forms of Objects board as media. The subjects of this research were 29 students. This research uses classroom action research which goes through four stages, namely, planning, implementation, observation and reflection on the research process. The data collection techniques used were non-test and test. This research was carried out in 2 cycles, with each cycle there was an increase. The research results showed that with the presence of Papn media, changes in the form of objects, the average student learning outcomes increased from the pre-cycle average value of 55.17, increased well cycle I to an average value of 66.55 and increased very well cycle II to a value average 80.