Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Team Games Tournament (TGT) berbantuan Media Kartu Soal untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bekerjasama Siswa Kelas 3 SDN Mergosono 2 Malang

  • Shendi Helmaniah Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
  • Dwi Agus Setiawan Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: Team Games Tournament (TGT), Question card media, Ability to collaborate


Abstract: “The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of question card media in conjunction with the Team Games Tournament (TGT) learning paradigm can improve students' capacity to support (PTK) the type of learning used in the classroom. Twenty-seven third-grade students from SDN Mergosono 2 Malang became the subjects of the studyâ€. In this study, qualitative data analysis was integrated with a test-based data collection approach. Two interrelated and ongoing cycles planning, implementation, observation, and reflection were used to conduct this investigation. The results of the study showed how instructors' ability to support students can be improved by combining the Team Games Tournament (TGT) learning paradigm with question card media. Third-grade students at SDN Mergosono 2 Malang showed significant improvements in their mentoring skills with the introduction of Team Games Tournament (TGT), as indicated by their scores increasing from 48% in the Pre-Cycle to 87% in Cycle I and 100% in Cycle II. Question cards were used in the Team Games Tournament (TGT) learning method. This study was considered useful because the learning outcomes really improved.
