Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Kalimat Imperatif dalam Mengubah Petikan Cerpen Menjadi Teks Prosedur Melalui Model Inquiry Based Learning pada Peserta Didik Kelas IX SMP

  • Wijiasih Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: imperative sentences, procedural texts, Inquiry Based Learning, writing skills, educational strategies


Abstract: The ability to write imperative sentences is crucial for transforming short story excerpts into procedural texts. This study addresses the challenges faced by 30 ninth-grade students at SMPN 23 Malang, who struggle with writing proper imperative sentences due to insufficient teacher guidance. The research employs a quantitative experimental design, utilizing Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) to enhance students' writing skills. Data collected from pre-tests and post-tests indicate a significant improvement in students’ abilities, with all achieving above the minimum competency standard in the second cycle. The findings suggest that IBL effectively facilitates students' understanding of imperative sentences, emphasizing the necessity for continuous assessment and adjustment of teaching strategies.
