Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Marching Band Dalam Menerapkan Karakter Kreatif Dan Tanggung Jawab Di Sekolah Dasar

  • Tri Febriyanti Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang


This research is taken from several problems that occur in the surrounding school environment that many schools are not functioning extracurricularly. Whereas extracurricular activities really help schools to print student characters. This study aims to determine the application of creative character values and responsibilities through the Marching Band Extracurricular in Elementary Schools. This study uses a qualitative research approach, type of descriptive research, data collection using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation using data collection analysis techniques, data presentation, data reduction, and drawing conclusions / verification, checking the validity of the findings using source triangulation and method triangulation. Based on the results of the study concluded that the application of creative character and responsibility through the Marching Band Extracurricular uses the habituation method. In instilling character in students certainly has obstacles. The obstacles are students themselves and the surrounding environment. There needs to be patience to instill creativity in students. Still need guidance in advance, after the guidance of the trainer, new students can apply their creativity. To support students' creativity, during practice they are often given material outside the marching band material. Students often try marching band instruments that are not normally played. The advice of this study is that students not only apply creative values and responsibilities in school but apply them in the home and community environment.
