Pengembangan Media Flashcard Pada Siswa Kelas IV SDN Bendo 2 Kota Blitar Subtema Hewan Dan Tumbuhan

  • Novialita Angga Wiratama Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban


Learning can encourage increased thinking power and the process of changing one's behavior. The learning process requires a media. The application of media in learning serves to help students understand the material presented by the teacher. Flashcard media is classified as graphic media in the form of images that can be used in learning for fourth grade students. Through the use of flashcard media students can build an understanding of the process of a fun learning experience and improve the quality of learning.

The initial stage of the study was carried out by collecting data through interviews with fourth grade teachers at SDN Bendo 2 Blitar City. Based on the results of these interviews, data were obtained that students had difficulty understanding learning, especially in the online learning process. Researchers also made observations in addition to interviews. Observational data shows that students only use student handbooks in learning. Books contain text and pictures that do not attract students' attention. Based on the data above, it is necessary to have flexible learning media that can be taken home by students for independent learning media. Not easily damaged and simple in application.

Flashcard media products were developed based on the problems found. The research subjects were 20 students of class IV SDN Bendo 2 Blitar City. This type of research on the development of flashcard media is R&D. The data collection instruments used were expert validation sheets, observation sheets. Data analysis techniques are qualitative and quantitative. The results of material and media validation obtained 90% percentage data, which means the flashcard media product is feasible to be applied to students with careful subjects


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