Analisis Pendekatan Scientific Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Kelas V SDN Tanjungrejosari 2 Malang

  • Haniyati Gemma Galgani


This research discusses the result of Analysis of Scientific Approachment in Learning Process of Integrated Thematic (study of decsriptive narative at class V SDN Tanjungrejosari 2 Malang). This research is intended to: (1) describing the implementation of scientific approachment on the process of thematic learning, (2) decribing the supporting factors and the resistor factors of scientific approachment on the process of integrated thematic learning. The approachment and method of data collection of this research is the qualitative approachment with the kind of descriptive narative. This research is held on March 2019. The subject of this research is the teacher and the students of class V. The procedure of data collection are interview, observation, documentation, and field note. It is also used the triangulation technique to make sure the validity of the data. The result shows that the implementation of scientific approachment is done well according its steps on the process of thematic learning that including observing, asking, trying, reasoning, dan communicating. Students’ ability of thinking scientific is also done well because the habbit of learning scientific. It can be seen obviously from their skill on reasoning, thinking, finding, and communicating a material they got. The students also looked more enthusiastic, active, creative and motivated to keep learning. Then, it can be conclude that teacher’s creativity have impact to the success of scientific learning approachment. The supporting factors are the LKS books, the teacher handbooks or teacher’s and student’s book of integrated thematic and another learning sources. The teacher that have skill on managing the classroom atmosphere, give motivation and accsess to the teachers and students to use the school facilities, the teacher ability on designing the Lesson Plan and the family. The resistor factors are the students who are slow on accepting and understanding the materials, the materials that is given too much, the media, facilities and infrastructures that are still less complete.
