Studi Komparasi Model Three Stay Three Stray dengan Model Number Head Together Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Tematik.

  • Dominggus Dias Fatima Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


Abstract: This study aims to determine (1) determine the differences in students' critical thinking skills taught through the TS-TS learning model and the NHT learning model; (2) Knowing the effectiveness of using the Three Stay Three Stray learning model and the NHT model on the thinking ability of students of SDN Bakalan Krajan 01 Malang in the 2020/2021 school year. The results showed that (1) there were differences in students' critical thinking skills as measured in the study using the TS-TS learning model and the NHT learning model with a post-test average score (77 <82.12) (2) the use of the NHT learning model was more effective Compared with the TS-TS learning model with a score gain (25.72> 21.8). Thus, it is concluded that the use of the NHT learning model has a positive impact on thematic students 'critical thinking skills, namely the students' critical thinking ability is higher than students using the TS-TS learning model. The NHT learning model is very effective in improving students' critical thinking skills.


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