Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Pop-Up Berbasis Konstektual Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Rantai Makanan Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa Kelas IV

  • Meldha Sangka Kurnia Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang


Abstract: Learning media is a means that can be used to stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities or skills so that they can encourage the teaching and learning process. The approach in this development research uses the Sugiyono model adapting the development research model from Borg and Gall. The stages in this research include potential and problem analysis, data collection, product design, product validation with experts, media experts and linguists, product revision I, product testing, product revision II. The subjects of this research trial were fourth grade students at SDN 3 Jabung, Malang Regency. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive method. The results showed as follows, (1) The analysis of the need for teaching materials developed refers to the characteristics of the fourth grade students of SDN 3 Jabung, Malang Regency. (2) A proper science pop-up teaching material is produced with the subject of the structure of plant parts and their functions for grade students of SDN 3 JABUNG, Malang Regency. (3) The results of the validation by two media experts obtained an average score of 3.59 in the feasible category, and the results of the validation by two material experts obtained an average score of 3.81 for the feasible category. (4) Student responses to teaching materials based on the results of trials with students, namely in product trials obtain an average score of 1 feasible category. And the trial use obtained an average score of 0.98 in the feasible category. The overall results of the trial pop-up teaching materials are feasible.


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